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Russia Today Doc HD

Russia Today Doc HD / телевидение онлайнRussia Today Documentary (RTD) — круглосуточный российский документальный телеканал. Канал представляет взгляд России на события в мире и внутри страны. В эфире новости общественной и политической жизни, экономики, спорта и культуры. Cо своими комментариями и прогнозами в передачах телеканала выступают ведущие политики, эксперты и государственные деятели.

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 7.3/10  (голосов: 3)
Просмотры 5101 Отзывы 1

Сейчас 07:14 в эфире телеканала Russia Today Doc HD

07:12 - The Case (Ghost Lake. Part 2) (12+)
07:30 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 1) (12+)
07:43 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 2) (12+)

Russia Today Doc HD программа передач на сегодня 22.12.2024

05:00 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 3) (12+)
05:12 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 4) (12+)
05:30 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 1) (12+)
05:43 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 2) (12+)
06:00 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 3) (12+)
06:13 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 4) (12+)
06:30 - Wars and disasters (Lebanon: On The Brink. Part 1) (12+)
06:43 - Wars and disasters (Lebanon: On The Brink. Part 2) (12+)
07:00 - The Case (Ghost Lake. Part 1) (12+)
07:12 - The Case (Ghost Lake. Part 2) (12+)
07:30 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 1) (12+)
07:43 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 2) (12+)
08:00 - This is China (Shougang Olympic Park) (12+)
08:30 - People`s Problems (Beauty and the Bleach: Part 1) (12+)
08:44 - People`s Problems (Beauty and the Bleach: Part 2) (12+)
09:00 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 1) (12+)
09:12 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 2) (12+)
09:30 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 3) (12+)
09:43 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 4) (12+)
10:00 - Inland Visions (Episode 4) (12+)
10:13 - Inland Visions (Episode 4) (12+)
10:30 - Bridges To The East: Algeria (Episode 1) (12+)
11:00 - Bridges To The East: Algeria (Episode 2) (12+)
11:30 - Out of cycle (Cry of a River: Part 1) (12+)
11:43 - Out of cycle (Cry of a River: Part 2) (12+)
12:00 - Wars and disasters (My Friend From War Part 1) (12+)
12:12 - Wars and disasters (My Friend From War Part 2) (12+)
12:30 - Wars and disasters (My Friend From War Part 3) (12+)
12:41 - Wars and disasters (My Friend From War Part 4) (12+)
13:00 - Art lounge (Banda Bassotti.the Sound Of Red Part 1) (12+)
13:14 - Art lounge (Banda Bassotti.the Sound Of Red Part 2) (12+)
13:30 - People`s Problems (Us homeless: the fight for equality. Part 1) (12+)
13:42 - People`s Problems (Us homeless: the fight for equality. Part 2) (12+)
14:00 - People`s Problems (Us homeless: the fight for equality. Part 3) (12+)
14:14 - People`s Problems (Us homeless: the fight for equality. Part 4) (12+)
14:30 - Wars and disasters (War As A Working Place^ Part 1) (12+)
14:44 - Wars and disasters (War As A Working Place: Part 2) (12+)
15:00 - The Case (Ghost Lake. Part 1) (12+)
15:12 - The Case (Ghost Lake. Part 2) (12+)
15:30 - My Life, My Way (Danceducation. Part 1) (12+)
15:43 - My Life, My Way (Danceducation. Part 2) (12+)
16:00 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 1) (12+)
16:13 - Wars and disasters (White`s Orchestra. The Assault. Part 2 Part 2) (12+)
16:30 - People`s Problems (Crisis Childhood: Part 1) (12+)
16:43 - People`s Problems (Crisis Childhood: Part 2) (12+)
17:00 - This is China (Shougang Olympic Park) (12+)
17:30 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 1) (12+)
17:42 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 2) (12+)
18:00 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 3) (12+)
18:12 - Wars and disasters (Donbass: the Flipside Of War. Part 4) (12+)
18:30 - Out of cycle (Fallen Angels Part 1) (12+)
18:42 - Out of cycle (Fallen Angels Part 2) (12+)
19:00 - Out of cycle (Fallen Angels Part 3) (12+)
19:11 - Out of cycle (Fallen Angels Part 4) (12+)
19:30 - Inland Visions (Episode 4) (12+)
19:43 - Inland Visions (Episode 4) (12+)
20:00 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 1) (12+)
20:12 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 2) (12+)
20:30 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 3) (12+)
20:43 - Wars and disasters (Orchestra. Part 1 Part 4) (12+)
21:00 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 1) (12+)
21:13 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 2) (12+)
21:30 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 3) (12+)
21:43 - Red Alert (Divide and Conquer Part 4) (12+)
22:00 - Wars and disasters (Lebanon: On The Brink. Part 1) (12+)
22:13 - Wars and disasters (Lebanon: On The Brink. Part 2) (12+)
22:30 - Bridges To The East: Algeria (Episode 1) (12+)
23:00 - Bridges To The East: Algeria (Episode 2) (12+)
23:30 - Out of cycle (Cry of a River: Part 1) (12+)
23:43 - Out of cycle (Cry of a River: Part 2) (12+)
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